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Our Choir Director

Nicole Dawson

At the heart of Sing People Sing is our fantastic Choir Director, Nicole Dawson. The glue that holds the choir together with her unfailing passion, energy and remarkable musicality. 

About Nicole...

Nicole is a dynamic musician, excelling as a choir director, conductor, and award-winning Choral Arranger. She's also a vocal and songwriting coach, piano teacher, and children's music teacher. Nicole specialises in "Acting Through Song," often helping choirs and performers deeply connect with their music and theatre pieces.

Nicole's musical journey began at age 3, evolving through her teenage years, marked by numerous wins in competitions for compositions, arrangements, and piano performances. At Trinity College of Music, she specialised in composition, piano, and voice, creating her first acclaimed musical, "Tess of the D'Urbervilles".


Her career took off with performances in the West End. Nicole founded outstanding choirs, led vocal groups, and taught over 1000 people piano, singing, and music composition. Collaborating with influential figures like Gareth Malone, Mark de Lisser, Ben Goddard, Russell Scott, and Tenors Unlimited, Nicole continues to inspire and connect performers with the essence of their craft.

"Nicole is a truly talented choir master and an inspiring leader. Her passion is infectious and I've learned so much from her over the years."
Pete, SPS member since 2015

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